resource management, urban planning, public spaces, transport, infrastructure
Lebanon, after the last civil war (1975-1992), has experienced a substantial negative impact on its urban growth, due to the lack of resources and materials. The resilience of territories, in the past, has provided complex answers to tackle and solve the tensions caused by the number of wars, demonstrating a natural tendency to adaptation, to the suffered stresses minimization, and a natural capacity to absorb the impositions coming from abroad. By analyzing the adaptation of Lebanese capacity, this paper presents the results of some interviews conducted in the academic field. The comparison between the interviewees’ opinions made it possible to identify the current development trends in the country and understand its future directions of growth.
Architecture | Essays & Viewpoint
Lebanon resilient. New scenarios of development and future growths directions
pp. 70-83
Silvia Mazzetto
Author(s) Biography
Silvia Mazzetto, Architect, Conservator, and PhD, is an Assistant Professor at the School of Architecture and Interior Design, LAU Lebanese American University, in Beirut (Lebanon) She carries out research activities mainly in the field of preservation and rehabilitation of architectural heritage in Middle Eastern countries, with attention to resilient strategies and complex forms of adaptation to environmental and historical conditions. She has developed many reflections on the relationship between the conservation of heritage and the identity of a new project. These themes are particularly attractive during the transformation and adaptation of reused buildings.
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