cohesion policy, inner areas, integrated conservation, sustainable development, shrinking cities
Depopulation of small urban centers and inner areas is a widespread issue in Europe and extra-European areas, with growing increases in territorial, social, productive imbalance and obsolescence of values of local identity. The abandonment of inner lands leads to their degradation due to lack of maintenance practices, causing, especially in Italy, the potential loss of cultural landscape identity (small villages, rural landscapes, agro-food traditions). The issue had become so critical at European level that it led to defining specific programs to contrast it. This essay aims to show the cause of this issue, the strategies for the solution and the experiments done, through a multifunctional and multi-relational approach, where the Cultural landscape assumes a significant role.
Architecture | Essays & Viewpoint
Depopulation of small urban centers. Cultural landscape as resource for local communities
pp. 38-53
Maria Teresa Campisi
Author(s) Biography
Maria Teresa Campisi, Architect and PhD, is a Researcher on Architectural Restoration at Enna Kore University, Engineering and Architecture Faculty; she conducts research mainly in the field of cultural heritage on knowledge of historical materials and settlement (historical defence systems, urban historic centers).
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