design innovation, generative design, industry 4.0, made in Italy
The phenomenology of 4.0 is investing all fields in design sector, it is indeed crept into the design, production, sale and consumption, making them, in the context of product-system, actually areas to be designed. We are witnessing the rise of design processes managed by algorithms that provide solutions and improvements in terms of efficiency, performance, choice of materials and cost optimization. This contribution illustrates an experimentation of these apparatuses by applying generative design to evergreen products of Made in Italy, with the aim of understanding how these new procedures can be used to provide valid solutions and whether they are destined to supplant the role of the designer.
Design | Research & Experimentation
Design 4.0
pp. 227-238
Elisabetta Cianfanelli, Lorenzo Pelosini, Margherita Tufarelli, Maria Luisa Malpelo
Author(s) Biography
Elisabetta Cianfanelli, Associate Professor | DIDA – Architecture Department of University of Florence, Italy
Lorenzo Pelosini, Designer, Italy
Margherita Tufarelli, PhD student | DIDA – Architecture Department of University of Florence, Italy
Maria Luisa Malpelo, Designer, Italy
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