construction site, constraction site cabin, energy efficiency, carbon footprint, technological innovation
The sustainability issue in construction must take into account all the transformation processes that led to the final product. Although the construction phase is negligible in relation to the overall life cycle, it is responsible for large amounts of CO2 emissions and has a negative impact on the carbon footprint of the construction industry. The paper illustrates the results of a funded research that has addressed the issue of energy retrofit of logistics services (site cabins), since from studies conducted in the United Kingdom, this appears to be the most relevant measure that can reduce the construction site’s CO2 emissions. The nZEBox system satisfies the need to optimise not only the energy-environmental quality but also the aesthetic and communicative quality of the traditional construction site cabin.
Architecture | Research & Experimentation
nZEBox. Product innovation to reduce carbon footprint of the construction site
pp. 185-197
Monica Cannaviello
Author(s) Biography
Monica Cannaviello, Adjunct Professor | Department of Architecture and Industrial Design (DADI) of the University of Campania ‘Luigi Vanvitelli’, Italy
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