parametric architecture, process innovation, production innovations, complexity
The social, environmental and economic changes that characterize the new millennium impose new challenges for the design of urban settlements, buildings and objects. In this context, the parametric architecture can become an innovative design support tool to favor smarter, more resilient, more adaptive, more sustainable projects. This work fits into this general framework and investigates the innovative potential of the parametric design process, applying it to three case studies on an urban, architectural and technological scale, highlighting its potential and limits.Section
Architecture | Research & Experimentation
Parametric explorations in architecture. From the urban scale to the technological detail
pp. 131-142
Marco Angrisani, Federico Orsini
Author(s) Biography
Marco Angrisani, Graduated in Architecture | Department of Architecture of the University of Rome TRE, Italy
Federico Orsini, Research Fellow | Department of Architecture of the University of Rome TRE, Italy
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