timber buildings, vertical development, sustainability, biobased economy, environmental product declaration
Bioeconomy, circular economy, land use reduction, sustainable use of natural resources, reduction of CO2 emissions in the atmosphere and recycling are the keywords which the building world must face in the near future, as the environmental emergency can no longer be postponed. In order to disseminate in the scientific community the different possibilities of timber as a sustainable building material throughout its whole life cycle and to provide the professionals with suitable decision-making tools for a conscious design, within the cultural and scientific scenario of the recent years, the paper serves as a moment of reflection highlighting how a closer integration between different sectors (forestry, building, energy, industrial and waste management) can find, in the use of timber, an opportunity to significantly reduce the overall impact of a built environment life cycle.
Architecture | Essays & Viewpoint
High-rise timber architecture. An opportunity for the sustainability of the built environment
pp. 93-122
Cesare Sposito, Francesca Scalsi
Author(s) Biography
Cesare Sposito, Associate Professor | Department of Architecture, Polytechnic School, University of Palermo, Italy
Francesca Scalsi, PhD, Architect and Research Manager | DEMETRA Ce.Ri.Med. (Centro Documentazione e Ricerca Euro-Mediterranea – Euro-Mediterranean Documentation and Research Center), Italy
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