design, process, spatial reciprocal frames, tensegrity, form-finding
If the dualism between form and structure, which has appeared with the scientific and technological progress, has allowed to explore new frontiers in the construction field, the consequent disciplinary specializations have increased the separation of the knowledge related to the project. The architect and the engineer, who were the same figure in the past, have progressively begun to separate, distancing increasingly themselves. This essay investigates the potential of building systems based on the structural conceptualization and stability, referring to reciprocal frame structures and tensegrity systems. From a didactic point of view, they can help understand the importance of form and structure’s control, starting an absolute unity of process.
Architecture | Essays & Viewpoint
Spatial reciprocal frames and tensegrity. Prelude to form-finding
pp. 9-22
Oscar Eugenio Bellini, Giuseppe Ruscica
Author(s) Biography
Oscar Eugenio Bellini, Associate Professor | Department of Architecture, Construction Engineering and Built Environment of the Polytechnic of Milan, Italy
Giuseppe Ruscica, Researcher | Department of Engineering and Applied Sciences of the University of Bergamo, Italy
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